HOLY. 2015 was possibly the fullest year of our lives. Progress at the Ananda Loka Ashram site seems to possess a force of it's own and it feels as though we are just along for the ride. This year we are set to begin building our biggest project to date, our family home. More details on that below, but first, here’s a recap of some events from 2015:
- We welcomed our sweet daughter, Tulsi Priya, on April 1st
- Added a backhoe tractor to the team
- Adopted and trained our first puppy, Ladoo
- Built a natural amphitheatre at the Yoga Dome site, overlooking the valley
- Survived a summer of nearby fires
- Attended and hosted local Bhakti celebrations
- Designed and built a 600sqft, off grid, woodworking shop
- Hosted and visited family & friends
- Celebrated Tulsi’s 1st Grains Ceremony on November 1st
- Practiced and taught yoga
- Installed a snow plough on the truck and ploughed local roads
- Installed an entire solar powered grid at the Ananda Loka Ashram site
- Harvested, cooked, baked and preserved lots of local, organic produce
- Worked hard and played harder
- Enjoyed another winter wonderland
These were most of the main events, while the biggest joys and challenges are in the everyday living…the human experience of internal and external relationship. It has been a profound time of struggle and learning. We have traded mainstream society, for a more traditional and spiritually focussed culture and lifestyle. With less, a lot less, stimulation, distraction and modern comforts, life gets really real. The change we have been through in the last 3 years, is staggering and unconventionally unique. It’s been a radical shift…a rugged, wild and mystical journey down the bhakti yoga rabbit hole. It’s not possible for words to express the totality of this experience. The process of adjustment and transformation has been very uncomfortable at times, yet within each challenge we are discovering more and more opportunities for love. Living out here, off grid and isolated in a spiritual community is intensely revealing, which is one of the purposes of ashram life. Meanwhile, we know every resident by name, our children play with friends of all ages and our community celebrates together regularly, amidst a breathtaking, natural wonderland. Everyday, my heart is melting into the sublime charm of this place. I am moved to tears just thinking and writing about it.
This adventure is awesomely fun and our hearts are overflowing with the overwhelming beauty of it all. We are deeply grateful to all our dear friends and family who continue to share this incredible journey with us!
Looking ahead at 2016 for another big year. We are in the final stages of research and planning for Ananda Loka Ashram’s biggest project to date…building our house.
Stay-tuned for our next post on Building our House Off Grid.