Ratha Yatra Saranagati 2014

Canada Day weekend Rathayatra Chariot Festival is Saranagati’s biggest event of the year and is not to be missed. This traditional Bhakti celebration is a centuries-old festival which takes place in Jagannath, Puri, India. The beautifully decorated cart, which carries the deity forms of Krishna as Jagannath along with his brother and sister, Balaram and Subhadra, is pulled by a procession of kirtan (chanting the holy names of God). Jagannath means Lord of the Universe, the father and mother of all living beings.

The festivities include: the main parade along Venables lake, through the village, past the school and miniature zebu “holy” cows. Followed by an amazing lakeside vegetarian feast, theatre and dance performances and Krishna inspired games...finished with a huge bonfire kirtan. Stay with friendly locals and spend the weekend touring the valley community.

The Ratha Yatra festival weekend is truly the ultimate opportunity to experience the beauty of Bhakti-yoga culture, off the grid, Saranagati-style.