Canada Day & Cherry Bliss

When you live off the grid, you learn to roll with mother nature. We received a call from our cherry orchard friend Derek saying “the cherries are ready, come and get ‘em!” We gathered a van-full of cherry-lovers and headed to Botanie Valley, just outside Lytton, known as the hottest place in Canada! No exaggeration, it was 35C and we quickly fell into cherry-picking trance. It was cherry heaven. There seemed to be endless handfuls of plump and juicy organic black cherries. Despite the heat, 3 hours felt like 1 hour and we had collectively picked almost 100 lbs. Our raw-food friend, Josh was in cherry-ecstacy…followed by a cherry-coma…priceless!

The next day was July 1st, Canada Day. We celebrated by pitting, jamming, canning and solar-drying our harvest in our outdoor kitchen, surrounded by natural beauty. To really indulge our efforts, we wrapped-up the evening with a spontaneous raw blackforest cake…aaahhh cherry-bliss! There is something indescribably wonderful about experiencing nature’s love through harvesting, processing, offering and enjoying real, pure food. The mood is sublime and hearts are happy, with the taste of true love.

Cabin Fever and Frozen Poo: first winter off grid

Well, the locals say the first year is the hardest…and the last 6 months were a true test of our desire to be here. First of all, our drive-way at the Bhumi Farm cabin, if you can even call it that, turned into a luge-run after the first snow fall and freeze in November. I'll just say that our Mitzubishi Delica 4x4 diesel van, imported from Japan, is the best vehicle on earth! Hugely due to Mag's dedication to good maintenance, but the Deli never let us down…ever. When you are a 30 minute drive from the nearest town and you loose all amenities (power, water, toilet), your vehicle becomes your salvation. So, Mark and the Deli saved us, by fetching water, wood and supplies.

Contrary to the concern of some of our friends, in regards to moving so far from civilization and the potential feelings of isolation…both of us have expressed a deep satisfaction with being so intimately immersed in nature. We found ourselves joking in hindsight, about how insane a fear it seemed, to trade-in high rises for trees, artificial noise for nature's song,  density for community, media for culture and theology…I could go-on…

In this small community, our neighbours are like family. We don't always get along, but the emphasis is dedicated to celebrating life and God assured, we do not feel the least bit isolated. We feel more connected and fulfilled than we ever dreamed possible.


However, when it's -28C and you are cooped-up in a poorly insulated cabin, with no running water, regular power-outages, few visitors (reminder: drive-way LUGE!), peeing in the bath tub, pooping in a bucket, heating water on the stove for dishes and bathing everyday, ALLDAY, with a baby and the darkness comes so quickly and lasts so long, day-after-day for weeks...Then, without warning, amidst the thickening tension, the nasty phenomenon of "cabin fever" has suddenly infiltrated the serenity of our nature-heaven. It's difficult to address one's personal needs for harmony when we are faced with circumstances that demand our constant attention for the basis of survival. We struggled through grouchiness and short-tempered spats, which revealed to us the vulnerability, patience and true dedication required for such an unpredictable and wild environment. In the discomfort of tension generated, we fell down into frustration and angst, sometimes daily, left with only ourselves to reflect upon the source of such discontent. Relying upon a mutual commitment to love, surrender of personal "right-ism" and dedication to our mission, we fumbled along the bumpy road of ego-shattering GLORY...sweaty with effort, exhausted and raw, towards the steady path of humility…



Mark chopped 10 cords of wood (that's MASSIVE), battled the rodent graveyard in the cellar (yes, putrid STIFFIES) and repaired a frozen, feces-filled septic pipe (WRETCH!!). There was also this mysterious sulphur stench that would waft past your nostrils, right to your tastebuds.

I love Mark. He is my Bhakti-warrior hero. He is my most intimate mirror. There are very few people willing to pour themselves completely into their heart's mission and I am ever blessed that we are treading this WILD path together.

Amidst all of this drama, sweet Nashringa was an abundant source of smiles and wonder…weathering the bumps with innocent forgetfulness and pure joy. 

The last cold month seemed to drag-on, and on, and on…the snow just kept falling...and Im sure it was mentioned numerous times about how we "should have gone South for a month or so". Then FINALLY, as if years had passed, Spring arrived!!! Thanks to Jim and Helen, our beloved Bhumi Farm hosts, some encouraging and supportive locals, along with an awesome sense of determination…we not only survived a long, frigid winter off grid, we learned SO MUCH! I can honestly say, that although there were moments of deep discouragement, the thrill of adventure and sheer beauty of Saranagati make it worth a million lifetimes...

...but next year, we're heading SOUTH!!!!!