When you live off the grid, you learn to roll with mother nature. We received a call from our cherry orchard friend Derek saying “the cherries are ready, come and get ‘em!” We gathered a van-full of cherry-lovers and headed to Botanie Valley, just outside Lytton, known as the hottest place in Canada! No exaggeration, it was 35C and we quickly fell into cherry-picking trance. It was cherry heaven. There seemed to be endless handfuls of plump and juicy organic black cherries. Despite the heat, 3 hours felt like 1 hour and we had collectively picked almost 100 lbs. Our raw-food friend, Josh was in cherry-ecstacy…followed by a cherry-coma…priceless!
The next day was July 1st, Canada Day. We celebrated by pitting, jamming, canning and solar-drying our harvest in our outdoor kitchen, surrounded by natural beauty. To really indulge our efforts, we wrapped-up the evening with a spontaneous raw blackforest cake…aaahhh cherry-bliss! There is something indescribably wonderful about experiencing nature’s love through harvesting, processing, offering and enjoying real, pure food. The mood is sublime and hearts are happy, with the taste of true love.